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Summer is here- Energy saving tips

There is a common misconception that energy bills are highest only in winter as we try to keep warm through the cooler months. However, with Australia’s warm summer climate there is also an increased use of energy to cool the home. Sumo has put together a list of summer-specific energy saving tips to help you lower your energy bills.

Air conditioning

Your air conditioning might seem like your best friend come December and January, but we often feel the pinch when our energy bill arrives. The best way to save energy is to set your thermostat to 23-24 degrees. Turning the thermostat down to its lowest temperature is no more energy efficient or faster in cooling your home than leaving it to a stable temperature. By keeping your thermostat at a set temperature in some cases can save up to 10% on your energy costs.

Service your air conditioning unit regularly and have the air filters changed as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Not only does regular servicing keep units working more efficiently, but means they will last longer. With some air conditioning units, you may even be able to carry out the servicing yourself with a few simple tools and manufacturer’s instructions. Servicing yearly is usually cheaper than replacing an entire unit prematurely. Always check the age of your air conditioning unit if moving into a new property, sometimes it can be better to replace an older model of air conditioning unit with a new energy efficient one.

Close blinds, windows and doors

As simple as this sounds, closing blinds can make a huge difference on the amount of electricity needed to cool the home. During the day, close all blinds, or at least north facing ones, to keep the direct sunlight out of the house and retain a lower temperature. If you’re in an area that cools down significantly overnight, open the blinds and windows in the evening to let the cool air filter through the house. This way, it will be cooler overnight and you’ll have a better start on lowering the temperature for the next hot day.


Whilst fans may not be able to replace air conditioning completely, they can be a much more energy-saving alternative as they use less electricity. Most fans will use $30 of electricity for the entire summer and better yet there are plenty of energy efficient options to choose from. Fans can assist in creating air flow and shifting hot heavy air.

Swimming pools

To maintain pool temperatures and avoid extra cleaning, keep them covered anytime they aren’t in use. If you’re able to, get an energy efficient pool pump and only use it during off-peak hours. Off peak hours are generally times of day when households are using less energy and therefore you pay a lower rate as you are demanding less on the network. Check your Sumo bill for an understanding of when your off-peak hours are and set a timer on your pool pump to only run during these hours. Multi speed pumps are ideal for their low speed settings that don’t use as much power. It’s important to remember for many Australian households, the pool pump is the greatest use of electricity!

Water use

Since it’s hot outside, you might be able to brave a cold shower! Not only will this save energy on water heating, but it will encourage you to use less water and be refreshing. The less hot water you use, the less power you use heating the water.

Dishwasher and washing machine

Most dishwashers and clothes washing machines have settings for cold water cycles. Remember to select a cold wash cycle and only run the machine with full loads of washing. You’ll reduce your overall use of electricity and save water while you’re at it.

Hang your washing outside

Why pay for energy usage to dry your clothes when the sun is a natural free source outside? Wash your clothes in the evening and hang them out first thing in the morning before work, by the time you come home at the end of the day your clothes will be dry. If you don’t have a washing line, a clothes horse is a great alternative.

Get outside

This one is simple – spend more time outdoors. Less time in the house means less time using appliances and electronics, and no need to have the air con running. Any excuse to get outside, be active and save money at the same time is a good one.

If you want to know more about energy proofing your home, speak to one of Sumo’s energy experts to talk you through what may be using the most energy in your home.

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